Ananda Marga School

At- Raghunathbari, PS- Panskura Dist-Purba Medinipur, WB-721634

Contact Nos.: 8116247615


Step 1: Logon to our School Website (

Step 2: Click on online Fee Payment menu.

Step 3: Type your Admission No.

Step 4: Click on Proceed

Step 5: Click on Continue

Step 6: Click on CHECKBOX. (the month/s whichever you want to pay)

Step 7: Click on Fee Breakup to see the Fee details.

Step 8: Click on pay Online

Step 9: Click on Confirm & Pay Now button.

Step 10: choose Debit Card/ Credit Card or Net Banking Type and Fill up The details

Step 11:Click on pay now

Step 12: Click on Paid Tab and get your Fee Receipt

(Please don't refresh the page either transaction may be failed / cancelled)
